Dr. Schnarrs Corner Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction today is usually done at the same time as the mastectomy procedure. Most, but not all patients are candidates for reconstruction using their own tissues (flaps). The TRAM flap is the most frequently used method of reconstruction for patients who want and are candidates for breast reconstruction using their own tissues. This flap of fat and skin is taken from the abdomen and moved up to the chest where it is shaped to match the opposite breast.Less commonly, the Latissimus dorsi flap is used. It is taken from the back.Many patients however prefer the simpler procedures that use prosthetic implants that are placed under the pectoralis muscle. Sometimes these procedures require the tissues to be stretched to the appropriate size first and for that purpose tissue expanders are often used. These are subsequently removed and permanent implants filled with either saline or silicone gel are used.

Below are some examples of breast reconstruction using flaps and implants.

  • Age : 58
  • Wt : 153 lbs
  • Ht 5’ 6”
  • Wore 42D bra.

Modified radical mastectomy of right breast with immediate TRAM flap reconstruction and reduction of opposite breast to match. Now wears 40 C bra.





  • Age 46
  • wt : 130 lbs
  • Ht : 5’ 4”

Had bilateral prophylactic mastectomies for severe family history of breast cancer. Immediate reconstruction of breasts and nipples with TRAM flaps. Nipples tattooed in office at 8 wks. Wears 36C bra.




  • Age : 42
  • Wt : 103 lbs
  • Ht : 5’ 7’’

Was 34A before left sided mastectomy and tissue expander followed by anatomical shaped silicone gel implants 450 cc to left breast and 325 cc to right breast. Nipple reconstruction by flap and tattoo. Now wears 34C.





  • Age: 51
  • Wt: 171 lbs
  • Ht: 5’71/2”

Was 42 C before Left sided modified mastectomy. Had immediate TRAM flap to reconstruct the missing breast, skin and nipple. Did not want anything done to the opposite breast. The areola was tattooed at 4mths postop in the office. Still wears 42 C.





Thank you for taking the time to look at these cases. I hope it has helped answer some of your questions and allayed your concerns. For more information please contact Dr.Schnarrs office at 757-274-4000 or Email at [email protected]